Wednesday, July 30, 2008: Lounge Duty
Lounge Duty Roster is out!
Its on the notice board outside Lounge, and has also been sent to your emails,
so please take note (:

click to enlarge


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TPSU Subcommittee blogged at 1:47 AM
Monday, July 28, 2008: konichiwa!
here are the details regarding the upcoming ....

TPSU SubComm Tea Party!!!

In addition: Please bring $5 to pay for the tea party as it is not funded.



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TPSU Subcommittee blogged at 2:10 AM
Sunday, July 27, 2008: TP Contact Rugby Pol-ITE match
HELLO SUBCOMMS! TP Contact Rugby is playing SP tis coming Monday at TP Sports Field. it's a very important match for them. details as follows:

What: Pol-TE Games. Rugby. TP vs SP.
Day: Monday
Date: 28th July 2008
Venue: TP Sports Field
Time: 5pm
Remarks: if TP wins this match, TP Contact Rugby will be champions of contact rugby!

so come one down and show your support! a few EXCOs and others will be there to support as well. get ur fellow subcomms and even friends to cheer on TP Contact Rugby!

TPSU Subcommittee blogged at 2:24 AM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008: Timetables for Lounge Duty

Just to let you people know that links have been updated accordingly!

And a gentle reminder that you guys ALL need to send in your respective timetables to Yvonne by the 24th of July (Thursday), which is TOMORROW actually. haha.

So if you have yet to do so, PLEASE DO! so that Yvonne can schedule the respective lounge duties a.s.a.p.

Email it to Yvonne at

And if everyone's keen on a mass subcomm outing, why not different people from the different empires, or just a random group just step forward and go ahead and organise one! (:

Again, if any of you need the password to this blog, don't hesitate to email your request to

Jiayou for the rest of the remaining projects/presentation weeks!

TPSU Subcommittee blogged at 7:35 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008: My sincere apologies
Firstly, I am sincerely sorry to thos who have posted here and I had to delete your posts.
But I'm here to explain the change in blog links and the disapperance of the posts.

This is why;
1. The previous blog was created using an email acc which had Lancelot in it, and I think its rather unfair and biased if we keep using it if this is a SUBCOMM blog.
2. Due to reasons for which I myself don't know, even though I deleted the previous blog and all, I can't use the link 'tpsu-subcomm' anymore, hence the longer link.

So if you got any suggestions on what the new link should be,
feel free to tag.

and if you feel like posting pics here or whatever,
do request for the password by emailing
as of now, this is the current official email for this unofficial site. LOL.
needless to say, this is the username and all (:

i'm sorry for the hassle, but do keep a lookout for any updates here,
especially with regards to the much anticipated SUBCOMM TEA PARTY.
yes, do leave your name and link if you want to be linked.
will get it done a.s.a.p.

anyone can come here and do whatever they want,
provided its in the interests of the subcomm as a whole.

so yup, HAVE FUN!

TPSU Subcommittee blogged at 1:00 AM